Constitution • Constitución (P.R. Const.)
The constitution in English translation is freely available at a Lexis Nexis web site, as part of the Puerto Rico Code.
Additional Resources
Constitution [Magaly Rivera (Ill.)] — English translation.
Note—See also the following sources for descriptions of the government of Puerto Rico and the status of Puerto Rico and its citizens, in relation to the United States: ¶
Welcome to Puerto Rico [Magaly Rivera (Ill.)]
Puerto Rico USA Citizenship Foundation [John A. Regis, Jr.]
Bills in Spanish can be viewed at the web site for the lower house of the legislature: Cámara de Represententes.
Acts of Congress
Acts of the Puerto Rico Legislature
Codified Laws
Both the Spanish version of the Puerto Rico Code (Leyes de Puerto Rico) and a version in English translation are available for free access at the Lexis Nexis web site. Cookies must be enabled in order to use the web site.
Rules of Procedure
Rules of civil procedure and rules of evidence in English translation are freely available at a Lexis Nexis web site, as part of the Puerto Rico Code (appended to the Code of Civil Procedure), and rules of criminal procedure and rules of juvenile procedure are also on that web site (appended to the Code of Criminal Procedure).
Ordinances are local laws, commonly organized into codes, that have been enacted by municipalities — cities, towns, etc. — and counties. Charters are organic laws (similar in function to a constitution) of those local government entities for which “home rule” is authorized by state law. For local laws not found through the links given here, try the municipality web sites at “State and Local Government on the Net” by Piper Resources, or a publisher’s web site.
Note that a charter could be included in a collection of ordinances (see below) instead of being separately accessible.
County Ordinances
Click on the button keyed to the name of the county. NOTE: On some web sites, selecting the state is necessary for access to the ordinances link.
Municipal Ordinances
Click on the button keyed to the name of the municipality. NOTE: On some web sites, selecting the state is necessary for access to the ordinances link.
See also links to state court web sites, maintained by the National Center for State Courts. Additionally, the web site presents information about courts and judges in the state, covering both state courts and federal courts, in a Wikipedia-style format.
Web Sites
For additional links to web sites (in Spanish) related to the Puerto Rico judicial system, see Sistema de Tribunales.
Servicios Legales de Puerto Rico “Servicios Legales de Puerto Rico, Inc. (‘SLPR’) es una corporación privada sin fines de lucro que provee representación y orientación legal gratuita a los pobres del país que cualifiquen en casos de índole civil.”